Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy Sunday...

It's better weather here today. I got up early, 4:00 am. Sometimes I gotta do that to have peace and quiet. So, I did some art and made some muffins, had some chai and did some reflecting. Now it's a different story. They are all up. I've decided to try to be of service today with a happy heart. My heart has been so heavy lately. Realizing what I have lost. I'm trying to accept my life on life's terms. Sometimes that is hard for me. Letting go and letting GOD is hard some days. Actually when I think about it I've always tried to be in control. Anyways, I did a list of things I need to do and I will do one thing a day. And I will do it with a happy heart.

Here is a valentine I did yesterday and an angel I did in the early morning hours when it was quiet.

Have a happy heart today.


katie said...

beautiful artwork, nancye, and lovely blog site too! it sounds like you have your hands very full. wishing you all the best...

Susan said...

Beautiful art. I especially like the angel. Sometimes things really are hard to do. I have a magnet on my fridge that reminds me that

"Prayer is taking things to God...Faith is leaving them there".

Glad today is happy.
Susan K.

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  • Don't let us get sick.
    Don't let us get old.
    Don't let us get stupid, all right?
    Just make us be brave.
    And make us play nice.
    And let us be together tonight.

    --Warren Zevon
  • Quotes

    I love people. I love my family, my children...but inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up.
    ~ Pearl S. Buck

    Ultimately, my hope is to amaze myself. The anticipation if discovering new possibilities becomes my greatest joy.
    ~ Jerry Uelsmann