Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday...hump day feeling better.

This is the new one it's on ebaynow...

Just a peek at what I've been working on. It's huge.

Here's the message for the day!!!

Wednesday. Another day at the funny farm.
I did manage to get some work done last night and a few little pieces started this morning after taking the girls to tennis (at two different times and two different schools), the boys to day care, and their mom to work. I then stopped at the fabric store to pick up some brown fabric to make vests for....bears. I don't know why I say I'll do these kind of things. They are always so much work. I'll be shipping ebay stuff and doing grocery shopping today. Then tonight, maybe I'll have some time to paint some more. I'm getting excited about the Suzi Blu class. Anyone else taking it?
Have a happy day.

1 comment:

Verlene said...

Hi I love your work! I am taking suziblu's class too...I'm so excited I can hardly wait! - verlene

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  • Don't let us get sick.
    Don't let us get old.
    Don't let us get stupid, all right?
    Just make us be brave.
    And make us play nice.
    And let us be together tonight.

    --Warren Zevon
  • Quotes

    I love people. I love my family, my children...but inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up.
    ~ Pearl S. Buck

    Ultimately, my hope is to amaze myself. The anticipation if discovering new possibilities becomes my greatest joy.
    ~ Jerry Uelsmann